速報APP / 生產應用 / Smart Choice

Smart Choice





版本需求:Android 3.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:9B Harrington Road, Henderson 0610, Auckland, New Zealand

Smart Choice(圖1)-速報App

Life is not easy. In your life, you have to make many different decisions. Some are just small, but some are serious decisions that will affect to your life.

Let's make things simple. Smart Choice can help you by giving the best decision when your are in the middle of something.

Smart Choice(圖2)-速報App

Suppose, you wanna buy a new smartphone. You are considering between iPhone and Android because both of them offer amazing features. Rather than spending weeks thinking about which phone to buy, you can just open the Smart Choice, enter two options, and you get a final suggestion.

In conclusion, smart people use Smart Choice so that they can save their time.

Smart Choice(圖3)-速報App


- Make a decision by enter 2 options or select 2 options from existing list

Smart Choice(圖4)-速報App

- Add new options to existing list

- Share result to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Message, Email, Bluetooth, etc. so that your friends know your final decision.

Smart Choice(圖5)-速報App

*** Smart Choice will be updated fortnightly, I promise it...;))

Smart Choice(圖6)-速報App